WCC is a neighborhood church that wants to serve you and serve the Lord. We believe our one goal on earth is to love God more through worship and to love each other more through fellowship.

At our Church we want to continue the story of the Bible and the ministry of Jesus Christ by being a light to the Walden Community. We call that being the "Church Where You Live" and when you’re ready we’d love to do it with you.  

Do you want to learn more? You can always listen to one of your favorite lessons in our sermon library, or you can discover how you fit in the Walden Church vision.


If you're new to the area or Looking for a New Church Home, You're always Welcome Here!

Walden Community Church is a non-denominational church. We are a self-governing church which follows Scripture, the Holy Spirit, and church tradition to inform our ministry. And while we are independent in our leadership, we are still ecumenical in our practice. We have members from all walks of life and backgrounds.

We believe that our flexibility and freedom means that we can assess the needs of our neighborhood and adjust our ministries to meet those needs. 

Click here to DOWNLOAD our statement of belief.

Click here to DOWNLOAD our Church Constitution

Click here to DOWNLOAD our Church directory

We also offer monthly classes that walk interested people through the steps of Christian discipleship, please feel free to attend any that interest you.