1 cORINTHIANS 16:13 Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong.

The Walden Church Men's Ministry exists to create an environment that empowers men, strengthens relationships with other men, and ultimately helps grow a man’s faith in Jesus Christ. It is the goal of each man to serve their family, minister to their church and to honor God.


Weekly / Monthly Events:


MONDAY MORNING PRAYER:  each Monday at 9:30 the men of our church start their week with Bible Study, Prayer and Coffee. If you are able to join us - there is nothing to sign up for - please drop by.


BREAKFAST AT MAGNOLIA DINER:  typically on the 3rd Saturday of the month we all meet at 8 am at Magnolia Diner for breakfast. Our only agenda is fellowship and eating. We'd love to have you join us

WORK PROJECTS:  if there is work to do; either at the church, or locally in the neighborhood, please let the church office know and we'll do our best to resolve it.